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Vocal Resonance.

The Potential of Voice-Based Models at Artisan Labs
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Cover Image for ¿Estás buscando una nueva oportunidad de trabajo? Liberamos nuestra base de conocimiento de mejores prácticas para talento tech de LATAM

Descubre cómo la liberación de la base de conocimiento de Risepal puede impulsar tu carrera en el sector tecnológico de Latinoamérica.

Sebastian Rojo
Sebastian Rojo

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Cover Image for De RisePal a ArtisanLabs: Innovación en la Era de la IA de Consumo

De RisePal a ArtisanLabs: Innovación en la Era de la IA de Consumo

Exploramos el viaje de Risepal a ArtisanLabs y cómo la innovación en la era de la IA de consumo está redefiniendo el desarrollo tecnológico. Desde la creación de Arouse con tecnologías avanzadas hasta la reflexión sobre la dependencia de soluciones de IA pre-empaquetadas, este artículo profundiza en el equilibrio entre eficiencia y transparencia en la innovación.

Sebastian Rojo
Sebastian Rojo
Cover Image for From RisePal to ArtisanLabs: Innovation in the Era of Consumer AI

From RisePal to ArtisanLabs: Innovation in the Era of Consumer AI

We explore the journey from Risepal to ArtisanLabs and how innovation in the era of consumer AI is redefining technological development. From the creation of Arouse with advanced technologies to reflecting on the dependence on pre-packaged AI solutions, this article delves into the balance between efficiency and transparency in innovation.

Sebastian Rojo
Sebastian Rojo
Cover Image for Extending Workshop Learnings: From Supabase and PGvector to LangChain

Extending Workshop Learnings: From Supabase and PGvector to LangChain

In this post, we explore the key learnings from the "Pgvector to Prod in 2 hours workshop", led by Greg Richardson, an expert on Supabase and PGvector. We delve into the world of Supabase and PGvector, comparing them with LangChain, a tool we're familiar with. We also discuss how these technologies can be used to build AI applications quickly and efficiently. The post further shares insights on how the workshop inspired us to venture into a new project with LangChain, and how it enriched our perspective on AI application development

Sebastian Rojo
Sebastian Rojo
Cover Image for Vocal Resonance

Vocal Resonance

Embark on a resonant journey with us at Artisan Labs as we delve into the realm of voice-based technology in our tech blog's inaugural segment, "Vocal Resonance." This space is dedicated to showcasing the transformative potential of voice-powered AI in fostering intuitive and engaging human-machine interactions. From exploring the core of voice technology to unfolding practical insights, we invite you to tune into a dialogue that transcends text, setting a new tone for technological innovation. Stay tuned, stay vocal, and let's resonate with the future of voice together!

Sebastian Rojo
Sebastian Rojo